CBSE Class 10 Board Exams Twice a Year from 2026

Breaking News: CBSE Class 10 Board Exams to Be Conducted Twice a Year from 2026

CBSE will conduct Class 10 board exams twice a year starting in 2026, allowing students to improve their scores. The first session will be from February 17 to March 6, 2026, and the second from May 5 to May 20, 2026. Students can choose to appear in both exams or skip the second attempt if satisfied with their first results. No separate supplementary exams will be held, and revised exam fees will apply. The move aligns with the National Education Policy (NEP) to reduce stress and enhance learning flexibility.

CBSE Class 10 Board Exams Twice a Year from 2026

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) intends to administer two board exams for Class 10 beginning in the academic year 2026. The board has cleared draft guidelines for holding Class-10 board examinations twice a year beginning in 2026. 

The guidelines will now be made public. Stakeholders will have until March 9 to provide input, after which the policy will be completed. Additionally, applicants will be able to take both examinations if they so want. Furthermore, if students are satisfied with their first test results and the specific course or courses they took in the first try, they will be able to skip them in the second attempt.

CBSE Class 10th Board Exams Twice Every Year from 2026

According to the latest news, the Class X Board examinations will be held in two phases: the first from February 17 to March 6, 2026, and the second from May 5 to May 20, 2026. Both assessments will follow the current comprehensive curriculum and necessary readings. Students will use the same test centers for both editions.

CBSE Class 10th Board Exam Fee

The CBSE board has decided to hike the examination costs, which would be paid at the time applications are submitted for both tries.

The list of candidates (LOC) will be finalized in September of the preceding year in compliance with the newly proposed rules. This suggests that the list for the February 2026 test will be determined by September 2025. If a candidate is not on the September 2025 list, they will be unable to register for the May 2026 exam.

Furthermore, CBSE has said that applicants would not be permitted to alter topics after the LOC is determined. However, the subject selection is rather flexible. 

A student may amend their subject selections by selecting a different topic for the second exam (May) and skipping a subject from the first exam (February-March). If a candidate wishes to repeat the test after completing all of the topics on the first attempt, they must complete the same courses again.

Class 10th Board Exam – No Supplementary Exam

The Board has made it clear that this approach will not be used for individual supplementary tests. Rather, for those who desire to improve their scores, the second session of the Board test (May 2026) will serve as a supplementary exam. Special exams will not be permitted in any circumstances.

The Board has resolved that internal and practical assessments would only be conducted once every academic year. 

CBSE Class 10th Board Exam New Grouping System

This new grouping system enables students to choose topics based on their talents and interests while assuring test clarity.

  • Language 1
  • Language 2
  • Elective 1
  • Elective 2
  • Elective 3
  • Regional and Foreign Languages
  • Remaining Subjects

CBSE Class 10th Board Exam – Redefining The Education System

The decision to conduct the Class X Board examinations twice a year aligns with the National Education Policy (NEP) guidelines. To make this feasible, students can now take board examinations twice in the same academic year.

The mark sheet and final passing certificate will not be issued until after the May exam. This document will include the best of the two scores for each topic, as well as the results from both exam sessions (if the candidate took both).

The board thinks that by providing students more independence, they would experience less worry and strain while also having more opportunities to get the best grades possible.

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